Allison Vliet

Allison Vliet is a dedicated and driven dancer who has trained for the past 14 years. She is currently in her first year of the University of Calgary’s BFA Dance program and hopes to continue her training around Calgary over the next four years. Training at Steps Ahead Dance on Vancouver Island she does Royal Academy of Dance Ballet, ISTD Modern and Tap, as well as Musical Theatre, jazz, and contemporary. She has been a part of the touring Ballet Jorgen group as a local performer, and has attended and performed at many competitions, festivals, workshops and other opportunities. She also has performed both in Disney and New York time square with her studio. She is an emerging choreographer and dancer to the professional world and is excited to be a part of the community of dancers in this city as she dances for Ballet Bodies YYC this season.


Serenella Sol


Alyssa Maturino