Ballet Bodies YYC proudly presents its third showcase: In Motion III. Our show will feature the choreographic works of Alexandra Contreras, Barbara England, Edmund Stripe, Izabela Zawadzka, Kaitlyn Seibold, Sabrina Naz Comănescu and Serenella Sol. In Motion III will highlight the captivating blend of ballet and contemporary dance, showcasing the intricate interplay of physical grace, artistic expression, and diverse movement styles.

Ballet Bodies YYC is a non-profit organization dedicated to making ballet more diverse and inclusive while bringing new audiences to classical and contemporary dance.

Show Dates

Friday, November 15th 2024

7:00 pm at DJD Theatre

Saturday, November 16th 2024

2:00 pm at DJD Theatre

7:00 pm at DJD Theatre

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  • Water-based haze is used during this performance.

  • Laser and/or strobe lights are used during this performance

Tickets will not be sold at the box office.

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