Paul Chambers

Paul graduated from the Royal Winnipeg Ballet School and went on to a 14 year performance career. He performed lead and principal roles with Toronto Dance Theatre, Canada’s Ballet Jörgen, Albert Ballet, Banff Festival Ballet, and the Cleveland San Jose Ballet. His featured roles included: The Prince and Snow Pas de Deux in The Nutcracker; George Balanchine’s Rubies, Allegro Brillante; Jean-Paul Comlin’s Requiem; Rudi van Dantzig’s Four Last Songs; Bengt Jörgen’s Copellia, Romeo and Juliet, as well as collaborative work at Toronto Dance Theatre. He choreographed for Canada’s Ballet Jörgen, George Brown College Dance Dept., and Corps Bara Dance in Calgary.
Paul began teaching adult ballet 2004 in Toronto at George Brown College and as a guest at the School of Toronto Dance Theatre. He continues teaching now in Calgary. His philosophy for adult recreational training is that dance is fundamental form of human communication through which everyone can express themselves. His classes emphasize ballet technique to encourage new and seasoned dancers to safely explore their passions and physicality.
Paul lives north of Calgary with his husband, on a small farm where they raise goats.


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Nicole Caron